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Acne Scarring

The occurrence and incidence of scarring resulting from acne are still not well understood. There is considerable variation in scarring between one person and another, indicating that some people are more prone to scarring than others. In the simplest terms, scars form at the site of an injury to tissue. They are the visible reminders of injury and tissue repair.
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Acne scarring frequently results from severe inflammatory nodulocystic acne that occurs deep in the skin, but scarring also may arise from more superficial inflamed lesions. Nevertheless, the only sure method of preventing or limiting the extent of acne scars is to treat acne early in its course, and as long as necessary. The more inflammation can be prevented or moderated, the more likely it is that scars can be prevented.

The following is a list of different types of acne scars:

The results of most treatments vary from 30 to 70% improvement. Any better result should be considered as a bonus.

In-Office Treatments:

At Skin Renewal, a number of treatments are available for acne scars. The type of treatment selected should be the one that is best for you in terms of:

The objective of scar treatment is to give the skin a more acceptable physical appearance. Total restoration of the skin to the way it looked before you had acne is often not possible but scar treatment does usually improve the appearance of your skin.

The scar treatments that are currently available at Skin Renewal include:

At Skin Renewal all patients with skin conditions are treated holistically by our qualified medical doctors who have experience in treating acne and acne scarring. In other words, in an acne consultation at Skin Renewal, your doctor will take a comprehensive history to ensure that there are no underlying medical conditions which are contributing to your acne. If the acne can be controlled and managed, there will be a greater success in treating the existing scarring and preventing new scar formation from occurring.

frequently asked

Why choose Body Renewal for your acne treatments?

At Body Renewal all patients with skin conditions are treated holistically by our qualified medical doctors who have experience in treating acne. In other words, in an acne consultation at Body Renewal, your doctor will take a comprehensive history to ensure that there are no underlying medical conditions which are contributing to you acne.

There are numerous significant medical conditions that are associated with acne that need to be identified and addressed. Conditions such as low stomach acid, dysbiosis and leaky gut all compromise skin but more importantly which have future health ramifications such as auto immune disease, food sensitivities, allergies, asthma, depression and even cancer if they are not adequately addressed.

In addition, low stomach will eventually lead to low levels of Zinc and other important minerals and vitamins which are essential for good healthy skin.

Why does your Body Renewal doctor check for low stomach acid during your consultation for acne?

At Body Renewal every new patient is checked for low stomach acid. A complimentary Betaine HCl acid test is explained and done in every consultation because:

  • Adequate stomach acid is essential for absorption of the minerals zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron and folate which are essential for healthy skin.
  • Adequate Stomach acid prevents dysbiosis.
  • Adequate stomach acid will help prevent a "leaky gut "with all its health ramifications from developing.
Why is stomach acid important for health and skin conditions?
  • Adequate stomach acid is essential for absorption of the minerals zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron and folate which are essential for healthy skin.
  • Adequate stomach acid is necessary for the absorption of the B vitamins.
  • Stomach acid activates protein-digesting enzymes and is necessary for proper digestion of protein.
  • Adequate stomach acid is necessary for the pancreas to release its cascade of digestive enzymes for absorption of carbohydrate and fat.
  • Sub-optimal fat digestion means we won't benefit from the anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 fats,nor the wide array of beneficial effects of fats for fertility, skin health, immunity, etc.
  • Adequate stomach acid destroys pathogens (bacteria, fungi, parasites etc) and a lack of stomach acid can lead to bad bacteria proliferating in the small intestine dysbiosis (bad bacteria) and unwanted parasites which have Health Renewal ramifications down the line.
How important is stomach acid?

How can we expect to stay healthy and have healthy skin without constant breakouts and other Skin, Body or Health Renewal conditions if we have chronically poor nutrient and mineral absorption due to incomplete digestion?

Having normal levels of stomach function the first important domino in a row of dominos: Ifstomach acid is adequate, the rest of one's digestion and absorption won't be compromised and the first domino won't fall and immune dysfunction is less likely down the line.

If digestion in the stomach is compromised due to low stomach acid, then the fall of the first domino will occur and the breakdown and absorption of nutrients in the stomach and beyond won't be optimal. In fact, digestion and absorption can be reduced to the point where even if someone is consuming a nutrient-dense diet, they can suffer both sub-clinical and overt deficiencies because they're not assimilating those nutrients because they have low stomach acid. Get your stomach acid checked by our Body Renewal Doctors.

Frequently asked questions

Why choose Body Renewal for your acne treatments?

At Body Renewal all patients with skin conditions are treated holistically by our qualified medical doctors who have experience in treating acne. In other words, in an acne consultation at Body Renewal, your doctor will take a comprehensive history to ensure that there are no underlying medical conditions which are contributing to you acne.

There are numerous significant medical conditions that are associated with acne that need to be identified and addressed. Conditions such as low stomach acid, dysbiosis and leaky gut all compromise skin but more importantly which have future health ramifications such as auto immune disease, food sensitivities, allergies, asthma, depression and even cancer if they are not adequately addressed.

In addition, low stomach will eventually lead to low levels of Zinc and other important minerals and vitamins which are essential for good healthy skin.

Why does your Body Renewal doctor check for low stomach acid during your consultation for acne?

At Body Renewal every new patient is checked for low stomach acid. A complimentary Betaine HCl acid test is explained and done in every consultation because:

  • Adequate stomach acid is essential for absorption of the minerals zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron and folate which are essential for healthy skin.
  • Adequate Stomach acid prevents dysbiosis.
  • Adequate stomach acid will help prevent a "leaky gut "with all its health ramifications from developing.
Why is stomach acid important for health and skin conditions?
  • Adequate stomach acid is essential for absorption of the minerals zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron and folate which are essential for healthy skin.
  • Adequate stomach acid is necessary for the absorption of the B vitamins.
  • Stomach acid activates protein-digesting enzymes and is necessary for proper digestion of protein.
  • Adequate stomach acid is necessary for the pancreas to release its cascade of digestive enzymes for absorption of carbohydrate and fat.
  • Sub-optimal fat digestion means we won't benefit from the anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 fats,nor the wide array of beneficial effects of fats for fertility, skin health, immunity, etc.
  • Adequate stomach acid destroys pathogens (bacteria, fungi, parasites etc) and a lack of stomach acid can lead to bad bacteria proliferating in the small intestine dysbiosis (bad bacteria) and unwanted parasites which have Health Renewal ramifications down the line.
How important is stomach acid?

How can we expect to stay healthy and have healthy skin without constant breakouts and other Skin, Body or Health Renewal conditions if we have chronically poor nutrient and mineral absorption due to incomplete digestion?

Having normal levels of stomach function the first important domino in a row of dominos: Ifstomach acid is adequate, the rest of one's digestion and absorption won't be compromised and the first domino won't fall and immune dysfunction is less likely down the line.

If digestion in the stomach is compromised due to low stomach acid, then the fall of the first domino will occur and the breakdown and absorption of nutrients in the stomach and beyond won't be optimal. In fact, digestion and absorption can be reduced to the point where even if someone is consuming a nutrient-dense diet, they can suffer both sub-clinical and overt deficiencies because they're not assimilating those nutrients because they have low stomach acid. Get your stomach acid checked by our Body Renewal Doctors.


Skin Renewal is the place to be. I have had a wonderful experience every time I've been there thanks to my amazing beauty therapist, Noma. She is so professional, sweet and caring. She is very knowledgeable and takes time to explain the treatments and products that best work for your skin type. Would definitely recommend going there!
