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Skin Renewal Doctors all have a broad knowledge, background and passion for aesthetic medicine. Please feel free to ask them your questions and concerns.


frequently asked

Are Hyprehidrosis treatments available at all Body Renewal branches?
What is Underarm/ Axillary Hyperhydrosis?

Axillary Hyperhidrosis is the medical term for excessive sweating in the armpit of a person. This condition involves extreme dripping sweat in the armpits, which is almost totally resistant to all the types of deodorants and other odour controlling medication.

Sweating is necessary for our body as it maintains core body temperature. The human body has 4 million sweat glands distributed on all areas of the skin, with higher concentrations found on the palms, soles, axillae and face.

Sweating has both thermoregulatory and emotional variants.

What causes Underarm Hyperhidrosis?

Axillary Hyperhidrosis is a medical problem that involves more sweating than what is required by our body. Axillary Hyperhidrosis is caused by overactivity of the sweat glands and is present in 1% of the population and a family history is present in 30 to 50% of patients suggesting a genetic component.

Axillary Hyperhidrosis and is triggered by:

  • Exercise,
  • Heat or cold, alcohol, coffee, tea, smoking, hot or spicy food,
  • Stress, anxiety, strong emotions
  • Certain times of the day.

The social and functional workings of the person is directly affected by Axillary Hyperhidrosis and can create anxiety and depression in the person suffering from this condition. The condition generally starts in adolescence; Hyperhydrosis is divided into primary or secondary hyperhidrosis. Secondary hyperhydrosis is usually generalized and often has all underlying pathological etiology.

What is Botox® Underarms?

Botox® underarm is used for excessive underarm perspiration also known as Axillary hyperhidrosis. Botox®is given by micro injection into the skin, a procedure that takes approximately 20 minutes to perform.

How does the treatment work?

When small doses are given into the skin, Botox® blocks the actions of the nerve that supplies the eccrine glands: this prevents the glands from producing sweat. The effects of the treatment usually last for several months but will eventually will wear off.

In Office treatments: At Body Renewal, we have successfully treated numerous patients for Axillary Hyperhidrosis with Botox®, a simple and effective treatment for excessive sweating. The procedure takes

  • 20 minutes to do by an experienced Medical Doctor,
  • is relatively painless,
  • involves a few injections into the underarm skin where the sweating is greatest to block the action of nerves that supply the sweat glands, and stop the glands from producing sweat.
  • These results can last anything from 6 to 9 months.
How does Botox® underarms improve one's self esteem?

People with hyperhidrosis produce large volumes of sweat which means that the hands, feet, chest or armpits may be constantly damp. This may make normal every day activities more difficult to carry out and it can cause embarrassment at work or socially especially if one has to give presentations where one constantly has to lift one's arms.

Is Botox® underarm safe?

Botox® has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis and has been safely used in all skin types. Botox® cannot be used in pregnant or nursing females.

How would one diagnose Axillary Hyperhydrosis?

If there is excessive sweating of at least 6 months duration with at least two of the following characteristics then primary Hyperhydrosis is present and this can be treated with Botox®:

  • Bilateral and relatively symmetrical sweating?
  • Impairs daily activity?
  • At least one episode per week?
  • Onset before the age of 25 years?
  • Positive family history?
  • Cessation of sweating during sleep?

Frequently asked questions

Are Hyprehidrosis treatments available at all Body Renewal branches?
What is Underarm/ Axillary Hyperhydrosis?

Axillary Hyperhidrosis is the medical term for excessive sweating in the armpit of a person. This condition involves extreme dripping sweat in the armpits, which is almost totally resistant to all the types of deodorants and other odour controlling medication.

Sweating is necessary for our body as it maintains core body temperature. The human body has 4 million sweat glands distributed on all areas of the skin, with higher concentrations found on the palms, soles, axillae and face.

Sweating has both thermoregulatory and emotional variants.

What causes Underarm Hyperhidrosis?

Axillary Hyperhidrosis is a medical problem that involves more sweating than what is required by our body. Axillary Hyperhidrosis is caused by overactivity of the sweat glands and is present in 1% of the population and a family history is present in 30 to 50% of patients suggesting a genetic component.

Axillary Hyperhidrosis and is triggered by:

  • Exercise,
  • Heat or cold, alcohol, coffee, tea, smoking, hot or spicy food,
  • Stress, anxiety, strong emotions
  • Certain times of the day.

The social and functional workings of the person is directly affected by Axillary Hyperhidrosis and can create anxiety and depression in the person suffering from this condition. The condition generally starts in adolescence; Hyperhydrosis is divided into primary or secondary hyperhidrosis. Secondary hyperhydrosis is usually generalized and often has all underlying pathological etiology.

What is Botox® Underarms?

Botox® underarm is used for excessive underarm perspiration also known as Axillary hyperhidrosis. Botox®is given by micro injection into the skin, a procedure that takes approximately 20 minutes to perform.

How does the treatment work?

When small doses are given into the skin, Botox® blocks the actions of the nerve that supplies the eccrine glands: this prevents the glands from producing sweat. The effects of the treatment usually last for several months but will eventually will wear off.

In Office treatments: At Body Renewal, we have successfully treated numerous patients for Axillary Hyperhidrosis with Botox®, a simple and effective treatment for excessive sweating. The procedure takes

  • 20 minutes to do by an experienced Medical Doctor,
  • is relatively painless,
  • involves a few injections into the underarm skin where the sweating is greatest to block the action of nerves that supply the sweat glands, and stop the glands from producing sweat.
  • These results can last anything from 6 to 9 months.
How does Botox® underarms improve one's self esteem?

People with hyperhidrosis produce large volumes of sweat which means that the hands, feet, chest or armpits may be constantly damp. This may make normal every day activities more difficult to carry out and it can cause embarrassment at work or socially especially if one has to give presentations where one constantly has to lift one's arms.

Is Botox® underarm safe?

Botox® has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis and has been safely used in all skin types. Botox® cannot be used in pregnant or nursing females.

How would one diagnose Axillary Hyperhydrosis?

If there is excessive sweating of at least 6 months duration with at least two of the following characteristics then primary Hyperhydrosis is present and this can be treated with Botox®:

  • Bilateral and relatively symmetrical sweating?
  • Impairs daily activity?
  • At least one episode per week?
  • Onset before the age of 25 years?
  • Positive family history?
  • Cessation of sweating during sleep?