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Skin Renewal Doctors all have a broad knowledge, background and passion for aesthetic medicine. Please feel free to ask them your questions and concerns.



Most women are looking for a solution for the treatment of tummy rolls, bat wings, bra bulges, cauliflower knees, as well as facial concerns such as double chins, turkey necks and flabby cheeks. Body Renewal brings you a revolutionary new non-surgical treatment that can deliver dramatic results in a short space of time. RAIL-THIN. The RAIL- THIN procedure is an acronym for “Radiofrequency Assisted Injection Lipolysis - Thermal Heat Is Nice”.
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Injection lipolysis with Ceccarelli solution is performed before a radiofrequency procedure to diminish localised fat deposits in the affected area.

The Ceccarelli Solution dissolves the fat cell wall thereby destroying fat cells. Radiofrequency is done after and in-between the injection procedures and these work by  heating the water content of fat causing destruction & shrinking of the target area.

frequently asked

Are RAIL - THIN treatments available at all Body Renewal branches?
How does RAIL-THIN work?

The lecithin dissolves the fat cell wall. Radiofrequency is done straight after the injection procedure heats the water content of fat. It is hypothesized that by increasing the water content of subcutaneous fat by the process of injecting liquid lecithin, the RF results are enhanced. Furthermore, bruising, discomfort and oedema are reduced post injection lipolysis if RF is applied to the area.

The long term results of RAIL-THIN are also very dependent on what active ingredients are present in the Lipodissolve Mesotherapy solution. At Body Renewal, we use a combination of Lecithin and award winning growth factors and peptides. The growth factors & peptides present in the cocktail stimulate the production of collagen so that the dermis is strengthened and the texture of the skin improved.

What are the typical areas that are treated?

On the Body RAIL- THIN treats:

  • Bat wings,
  • Tummy rolls,
  • Cauliflowers knees, and
  • Bra Bulges.
  • Love handles
  • Buttocks
  • Banana roll (The fat roll directly below the buttocks)
  • Moobs
  • Inner thighs
When should one start RAIL-THIN?

Previously there was no alternative to surgical solutions to get rid of a stubborn fat and loose skin. The choices were fairly black and white; surgery or untreated areas of concern. Now with the advent of novel treatments such as RAIL- THIN and skin tightening devices such as Titan, Radiofrequency, Rf Skin Needling & ND:Yag Skin Tightening, virtually any patient can be a candidate for a little tightening and firming in various areas of concern.

RAIL- THIN is the latest generation non-surgical treatment dedicated treat localised fat deposit reduction.

Can RAIL-THIN be combined with other treatments?

Yes, RAIL-THIN treatments can combined with Titan, Carboxytherapy, RF Needling, ND:Yag Skin Tightening and cryo-lipo fat freezing. Your Doctor will prescribe a specialised solution to target your individual concerns.

How many RAIL-THIN treatments are needed?

A series of 4 to 8 treatments every 2-4 weeks are needed to improve areas of concern.

Can all skin types be safely treated with RAIL-THIN?

Yes, RAIL-THIN safely treats all skin types without significant pain or down-time. It can erase centimetres of the areas treated and the appearance of cellulite is noticeably improved in only 6 to 8 treatment sessions.

Frequently asked questions

Are RAIL - THIN treatments available at all Body Renewal branches?
How does RAIL-THIN work?

The lecithin dissolves the fat cell wall. Radiofrequency is done straight after the injection procedure heats the water content of fat. It is hypothesized that by increasing the water content of subcutaneous fat by the process of injecting liquid lecithin, the RF results are enhanced. Furthermore, bruising, discomfort and oedema are reduced post injection lipolysis if RF is applied to the area.

The long term results of RAIL-THIN are also very dependent on what active ingredients are present in the Lipodissolve Mesotherapy solution. At Body Renewal, we use a combination of Lecithin and award winning growth factors and peptides. The growth factors & peptides present in the cocktail stimulate the production of collagen so that the dermis is strengthened and the texture of the skin improved.

What are the typical areas that are treated?

On the Body RAIL- THIN treats:

  • Bat wings,
  • Tummy rolls,
  • Cauliflowers knees, and
  • Bra Bulges.
  • Love handles
  • Buttocks
  • Banana roll (The fat roll directly below the buttocks)
  • Moobs
  • Inner thighs
When should one start RAIL-THIN?

Previously there was no alternative to surgical solutions to get rid of a stubborn fat and loose skin. The choices were fairly black and white; surgery or untreated areas of concern. Now with the advent of novel treatments such as RAIL- THIN and skin tightening devices such as Titan, Radiofrequency, Rf Skin Needling & ND:Yag Skin Tightening, virtually any patient can be a candidate for a little tightening and firming in various areas of concern.

RAIL- THIN is the latest generation non-surgical treatment dedicated treat localised fat deposit reduction.

Can RAIL-THIN be combined with other treatments?

Yes, RAIL-THIN treatments can combined with Titan, Carboxytherapy, RF Needling, ND:Yag Skin Tightening and cryo-lipo fat freezing. Your Doctor will prescribe a specialised solution to target your individual concerns.

How many RAIL-THIN treatments are needed?

A series of 4 to 8 treatments every 2-4 weeks are needed to improve areas of concern.

Can all skin types be safely treated with RAIL-THIN?

Yes, RAIL-THIN safely treats all skin types without significant pain or down-time. It can erase centimetres of the areas treated and the appearance of cellulite is noticeably improved in only 6 to 8 treatment sessions.
