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Skin Renewal Fractional Fusion

At Body Renewal, we have access to some of the very best technology available. With years of experience, we have become the leaders in combining various modalities to create customised, combination solutions to give the best possible results.
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Skin Renewal Fractional Fusion at a glance

  • Best Results
    Best Results


  • Anaesthetic


  • Duration
    Duration of Results

    12-24 months

  • Procedure Time
    Procedure Time


  • Treatment Recovery
    Treatment Recovery


  • Skin Specialist
    Skin Specialist

    Senior Therapist or Doctor

  • Risk Compliance
    Risks & Complications


  • Back to Work
    Back To Work

Because we are able to tailor each solution for the patient under a Doctor’s supervision, we are able to target conditions from multiple angles and on multiple levels making our fractional treatment protocols very unique.

What treatment modalities may be combined in the Skin Renewal Fractional Fusion Treatment Solution?

Skin Renewal Fractional Fusion #1(Skin Types 1-3)

Skin Renewal Fractional Fusion #2 (Skin Types 1-3)

Skin Renewal Fractional Fusion #3 (Skin Types 1-6)

Skin Renewal Fractional Fusion #4 (Skin Types 1-6)

Fractional CO2 Laser

Pearl Fractional Laser - LITE

Endymed Intensif / Secret RF

Dermapen – 0.5 up to 1mm

Limelight OR Superficial chemical peel (specifically chosen for the skin condition)

Pearl Laser Overlay

Endymed FSR

Endymed FSR

The treatment can be further customized with the following:

- TA serum

- MPM3 / Retinol Serum

- UberPro Peel


- Growth Factor Serum

The treatment can be further customized with the following:

- TA serum

- MPM3 / Retinol Serum

- UberPro Peel


- Growth Factor Serum

The treatment can be further customized with the following:

- TA serum

- MPM3 / Retinol Serum

- UberPro Peel


- Growth Factor Serum

The treatment can be further customized with the following:

- TA serum

- MPM3 / Retinol Serum

- UberPro Peel


- Growth Factor Serum

frequently asked

Is the Fractional Fusion treatment available at all Body Renewal branches?
What is a Fractional Treatment?

Fractional treatments refer to those that treat small portions of the skin, leaving the majority of the skin unharmed and intact in order to promote safer and quicker healing. This results in shorter downtimes, decrease the chances of infection, reduces the risks of scarring or hypopigmentation (i.e. loss of normal pigment), and minimises the chances of PIH (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or darkening). 

Fractional treatments produce thousands of tiny but deep injuries by treating columns or channels in the skin. This allows our experienced doctor or senior Laser Therapist to treat the areas of concern without damaging surrounding healthy tissue. Our signature Skin Renewal Fractional Fusion treatments are so advanced that they are able to penetrate deep into the dermis (the very deep layers of skin) without affecting un-targeted surrounding areas and can target the main concern on multiple levels by combining best practices.

Why should one consider having a Fractional Treatment?

Over time, our skin becomes damaged by unavoidable exposure to the sun, air pollution, stress, fatigue and smoking, among other life and age-related challenges. This damage manifests as lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, blotchiness, redness, pigmentation and sagging.

Our signature fractional treatment protocols, unique to Skin Renewal, target these issues simultaneously using multiple tools, thereby giving effective “all-around” multi-tasking treatments that can be performed on every skin type.

Who is an ideal candidate for a Skin Renewal Fractional Fusion treatment?

You do a lot to look and feel great, finding the time to enjoy life to the fullest while still taking care of your body and skin. The effects of sun, pollution, stress and fatigue can add up, keeping your skin from looking flawless.

An ideal candidate has one or more of the below indications;

  • Wrinkles
  • Sagging
  • Irregular texture
  • Age/Sun Spots
  • Acne scars
  • Severe sun damage
  • Pigmented lesions
What side effects can I expect after a Fractional treatment and how long will they last?

One may experience some mild swelling and redness on the treated areas, and depending on the depth and settings chosen (due to the indication observed on the skin), these may last anything from 2 to 5 days. Other temporary side effects may include minor itching, dry skin, peeling or flaking, crusting and a bronzed appearance on the treated skin.

There is a limited risk of infection, hyperpigmentation and scarring. At Skin Renewal, we ensure that the patient’s skin is appropriately prepared before undergoing any treatments to limit any possible risks or side effects. We also ensure that every patient is appropriately cared for after the treatment to enjoy the best possible results and maintenance. The best products for both preparation and maintenance will be recommended to accompany the treatment to achieve the very best results.

Does it hurt?

Most patients describe an increased sensation of heat during the treatment. To minimize discomfort, topical anaesthesia is applied before the procedure, and patients are given an optional “Happy Pack” (meds prescribed by the overseeing doctor) to minimise discomfort. After the treatment, most patients feel like they have a sunburn, which usually diminishes over the following days as the skin recovers.

What areas can be treated?

Skin Renewal Fractional Fusion Solutions #3 & #4 can be done on ALL skin types and can target:

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Chin
  • Eye area
  • Cheeks
  • Around the mouth

Skin Renewal Fractional Fusion Solutions #1 & #2 can be done on Skin types 1-3 and can target:

  • Face
  • Neck
What results can be expected with Skin Renewal Fractional Fusion?

Fractional resurfacing treatments effectively target both the skin surface and deeper layers of the skin for a smoother, fresher, younger-looking appearance.

  • Improved skin tone and texture and other more superficial signs of ageing
  • Reduced fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes
  • Reduce the appearance of unwanted brown spots
  • Improved appearance of acne scars and surgical scars
  • Effective treatment of pre-cancerous lesions (actinic keratosis)
  • Excellent treatment for face, neck & chest

Results are accumulative and progressive and improve over the course of treatments.

When will I start seeing results and how long do they last?

Within two weeks after the treatment, your skin's surface will start to look and feel softer and smoother. It will look brighter and show a more even tone, and, for some time, it may be slightly pink as the soft, new “baby skin” emerges. The next 3 to 6 months will bring more improvement as the deeper layers of the skin continue to create new collagen and elastin.

Results are long-lasting depending on your lifestyle, age, skin condition and skin care regimen. Maintenance of your treatment results is very important, and avoiding the triggers that caused the initial damage as far as possible is also very important so as to avoid the damage from reoccurring on the skin. Maintenance treatments can be repeated once or twice a year if necessary.

How many treatments are recommended?

Desired outcomes are typically reached in multiple treatments. On average, an effective treatment is anything from 3 to 5 sessions spaced 4 to 12 weeks apart. Depending on your skin condition and the indication being treated, healing time and schedule, the doctor or senior laser therapist performing the treatment may choose to space treatment sessions further apart. If you are undergoing these treatments for prejuvenation (prevention) rather than correction, as little as 1 – 2 treatments may be needed. 

Is it safe?

As with any laser procedure, there’s always some risk and downtime involved, however, our highly trained medical professional staff will absolutely offer the best care and service, and if the skin is prepared correctly and post-care is strictly adhered to, the outcomes should be amazing.

Frequently asked questions

Is the Fractional Fusion treatment available at all Body Renewal branches?
What is a Fractional Treatment?

Fractional treatments refer to those that treat small portions of the skin, leaving the majority of the skin unharmed and intact in order to promote safer and quicker healing. This results in shorter downtimes, decrease the chances of infection, reduces the risks of scarring or hypopigmentation (i.e. loss of normal pigment), and minimises the chances of PIH (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or darkening). 

Fractional treatments produce thousands of tiny but deep injuries by treating columns or channels in the skin. This allows our experienced doctor or senior Laser Therapist to treat the areas of concern without damaging surrounding healthy tissue. Our signature Skin Renewal Fractional Fusion treatments are so advanced that they are able to penetrate deep into the dermis (the very deep layers of skin) without affecting un-targeted surrounding areas and can target the main concern on multiple levels by combining best practices.

Why should one consider having a Fractional Treatment?

Over time, our skin becomes damaged by unavoidable exposure to the sun, air pollution, stress, fatigue and smoking, among other life and age-related challenges. This damage manifests as lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, blotchiness, redness, pigmentation and sagging.

Our signature fractional treatment protocols, unique to Skin Renewal, target these issues simultaneously using multiple tools, thereby giving effective “all-around” multi-tasking treatments that can be performed on every skin type.

Who is an ideal candidate for a Skin Renewal Fractional Fusion treatment?

You do a lot to look and feel great, finding the time to enjoy life to the fullest while still taking care of your body and skin. The effects of sun, pollution, stress and fatigue can add up, keeping your skin from looking flawless.

An ideal candidate has one or more of the below indications;

  • Wrinkles
  • Sagging
  • Irregular texture
  • Age/Sun Spots
  • Acne scars
  • Severe sun damage
  • Pigmented lesions
What side effects can I expect after a Fractional treatment and how long will they last?

One may experience some mild swelling and redness on the treated areas, and depending on the depth and settings chosen (due to the indication observed on the skin), these may last anything from 2 to 5 days. Other temporary side effects may include minor itching, dry skin, peeling or flaking, crusting and a bronzed appearance on the treated skin.

There is a limited risk of infection, hyperpigmentation and scarring. At Skin Renewal, we ensure that the patient’s skin is appropriately prepared before undergoing any treatments to limit any possible risks or side effects. We also ensure that every patient is appropriately cared for after the treatment to enjoy the best possible results and maintenance. The best products for both preparation and maintenance will be recommended to accompany the treatment to achieve the very best results.

Does it hurt?

Most patients describe an increased sensation of heat during the treatment. To minimize discomfort, topical anaesthesia is applied before the procedure, and patients are given an optional “Happy Pack” (meds prescribed by the overseeing doctor) to minimise discomfort. After the treatment, most patients feel like they have a sunburn, which usually diminishes over the following days as the skin recovers.

What areas can be treated?

Skin Renewal Fractional Fusion Solutions #3 & #4 can be done on ALL skin types and can target:

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Chin
  • Eye area
  • Cheeks
  • Around the mouth

Skin Renewal Fractional Fusion Solutions #1 & #2 can be done on Skin types 1-3 and can target:

  • Face
  • Neck
What results can be expected with Skin Renewal Fractional Fusion?

Fractional resurfacing treatments effectively target both the skin surface and deeper layers of the skin for a smoother, fresher, younger-looking appearance.

  • Improved skin tone and texture and other more superficial signs of ageing
  • Reduced fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes
  • Reduce the appearance of unwanted brown spots
  • Improved appearance of acne scars and surgical scars
  • Effective treatment of pre-cancerous lesions (actinic keratosis)
  • Excellent treatment for face, neck & chest

Results are accumulative and progressive and improve over the course of treatments.

When will I start seeing results and how long do they last?

Within two weeks after the treatment, your skin's surface will start to look and feel softer and smoother. It will look brighter and show a more even tone, and, for some time, it may be slightly pink as the soft, new “baby skin” emerges. The next 3 to 6 months will bring more improvement as the deeper layers of the skin continue to create new collagen and elastin.

Results are long-lasting depending on your lifestyle, age, skin condition and skin care regimen. Maintenance of your treatment results is very important, and avoiding the triggers that caused the initial damage as far as possible is also very important so as to avoid the damage from reoccurring on the skin. Maintenance treatments can be repeated once or twice a year if necessary.

How many treatments are recommended?

Desired outcomes are typically reached in multiple treatments. On average, an effective treatment is anything from 3 to 5 sessions spaced 4 to 12 weeks apart. Depending on your skin condition and the indication being treated, healing time and schedule, the doctor or senior laser therapist performing the treatment may choose to space treatment sessions further apart. If you are undergoing these treatments for prejuvenation (prevention) rather than correction, as little as 1 – 2 treatments may be needed. 

Is it safe?

As with any laser procedure, there’s always some risk and downtime involved, however, our highly trained medical professional staff will absolutely offer the best care and service, and if the skin is prepared correctly and post-care is strictly adhered to, the outcomes should be amazing.
