Ask our Doctors

Skin Renewal Doctors all have a broad knowledge, background and passion for aesthetic medicine. Please feel free to ask them your questions and concerns.

Anja Fraenkel

Anja Fraenkel

Somatology - CIDESCO, CIBTAC

Anja graduated from the Academy of Beauty Therapy in 2009, where she achieved the Academy Diploma and International qualifications - CIDESCO for Somatology and CIBTAC and Somatology, Aesthetics and Body Therapies.

She has a strong passion for skin and body health and has gained experience at top skin care centres in Durban and working in Seychelles. She started with Body Renewal in July 2015 as a medical therapist and has since led the Durban and Umhlanga clinics.

She is part of the support team and shares her experiences with the Durban, Umhlanga and Ballito teams.
