Ask our Doctors

Skin Renewal Doctors all have a broad knowledge, background and passion for aesthetic medicine. Please feel free to ask them your questions and concerns.

Camerin Demont

Camerin Demont

Somatology - ITEC

After dedicating three enriching years to her studies at the prestigious Camelot International, Camerin secured a National Health and Skincare Diploma. This accolade served as the gateway to over four fruitful years of immersion in the dynamic world of skincare, where she has honed her skills and deepened her knowledge extensively.

Camerin’s fervour for nurturing skin, fostering meaningful connections with people, and advocating for the welfare of wildlife shines through in her holistic approach to patient care. She is wholeheartedly committed to ensuring that each individual she works with feels a deep sense of contentment, radiates health, and exudes confidence in their natural skin and body. For Camerin, establishing genuine, trust-filled relationships with her patients isn’t just a priority—it’s a passion. 

She takes immense pride in creating these meaningful connections, treasuring every interaction as a precious opportunity to positively impact someone’s life.

Camerin is thrilled to accompany you on your unique Body Renewal journey, eager to bring her wealth of experience, passion, and unwavering commitment to your personal well-being and satisfaction.
