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Skin Renewal Doctors all have a broad knowledge, background and passion for aesthetic medicine. Please feel free to ask them your questions and concerns.

Namhla Toni

Namhla Toni

Namhla Toni's journey began in the picturesque landscapes of the Eastern Cape, where she spent her formative years before venturing to the Western Cape upon completing her matriculation. Enamoured by the city's beauty and diversity, Namhla was captivated by its charm and decided to delve into the beauty industry.

Finding her niche at the Beauty Therapy Institute, Namhla embraced her passion wholeheartedly and earned her qualifications in 2010. A pivotal moment in her career arose when she seized the opportunity to intern at the prestigious Cape Royal Hotel, where she was introduced to the quintessential "5-star touch". It was here that she imbibed the essence of unparalleled hospitality and service excellence.

Evolving swiftly within the industry, Namhla's journey led her to join the esteemed team at the Cape Grace Hotel before assuming a managerial role at a renowned beauty clinic. Armed with a wealth of knowledge garnered from her experiences in the hospitality and hotel industry, Namhla thrives on interactions with people and is deeply committed to upholding the highest standards of service and quality.

At Body Renewal, Namhla assumes the vital role of ensuring that each patient's journey is nothing short of seamless and exemplary. With an unwavering dedication to excellence, she considers Body Renewal not just her workplace but her home, where she continues to uphold the principles of outstanding service delivery and unwavering commitment to patient satisfaction.
