Double chins or neck waddles are the result of excess fat or hanging loose skin or both. It is very important to make this distinction as it changes the strategy for what will be the most effective treatment.
In the younger patient, it may be a lot of extra fat and not so much extra skin. Older patients usually have a combination of loose skin and fat. At Skin Renewal we offer combinations of non-surgical treatments that reduce fat cells and tighten skin such as:
Exilis Elite
RF Needling Endymed Intensif or Secret RF
3DEEP RF with Endymed Minishaper
Lavatron Monopolar RF
Titania Monopolar RF
ND:Yag Skin Tightening
The sooner these procedures are started to improve collagen levels and decrease fat content in the problem areas, the better the long term outcome and anti-ageing effects will be. As each patient's case is different; we will tailor a treatment program specifically for you and your circumstances.
A highly professional team led by a medical doctor assesses every patient and an appropriate combination treatment together with long term maintenance program is recommended. Every client is provided with a fully customised solution dependant on expectations, budget, time and medical history.